Saturday, August 28, 2010

Footie Pajamas and Collard Greens

Glory be, the Blue Willow Inn might be a little slice of heaven here on earth. Yum. Me.
Today was a super special day. Why, you ask? Coopie got to meet his much loved and talked about Aunt Irene and Cousin Michael! Alas! He might have cried the whole way home because he didn't get to meet his Uncle Al :( Sorry Uncle Al. He is just chomping at the bits to meet you and hear your best Donald Duck impression.
We ate candied yams, mashed taters, fried chicken, macaroni and cheese, collards, country ham, pecan biscuits, chocolate chocolate cake, banana pudding, and cheesecake. Washed it all down with tall glasses of sweet tea. Rocked on the front porch of the old victorian home, told stories, and enjoyed the sweet, simple life. So much fun!

Daddy, Grandada, and Uncle Stevie hit up the G-Braves game tonight while Mommy, Nana, Aunt Dori, Cousin Ludi Mae, and I had ourselves a playdate. We had so much fun!
The babies drooled, tootied, cooed, gooed, giggled, and had themselves a big time.
Coop got his very first football this week. He says he's ready for it to be fall so he can cheer on the Dawgs and eat football Food. You know what I'm talking about. Mmm.
He is pouting because I told him it was time for night-night. Sorry Coop.
Now he's tucked in, snug as a bug in his bed wearing footie pajamas. Yes, pajamas. For the 2nd night in a row. Can you believe it? The swaddle monster lies untouched on the changing table. Milestone!
I could just gobble him up!

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