Thursday, January 13, 2011

Ice Hotel

Y'all. I'm sitting here at 12:53 am, in the midst of a mini-mommy-meltdown.

Insert Disclaimer: This post is going to be ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. If you come to my blog looking for inspiration and wisdom, stop now. This post is sure to let you down. If anything, it will simply reassure you that I am a silly girl. Human. Subject to periods of insanity.

Read at your own risk. Seriously.

I can't decide if it's the fact that I'm wearing my multi-colored reindeer pants (again) despite the waistband being unraveled half way around.

Or if it's the fact that I just found a dried up sweet potato puff on my sleeve.

Maybe it's the 5 day ice-lock down that's caused me to go loony tunes.

Perhaps it was the interesting microwave Weight Watchers chicken and mushroom roll up-wrap thing I had for dinner.

I. am. in. a.funk. A travel funk. A I-need-a-change-of-scenery-funk.

It's not a permanent kind of funk. It hasn't even lasted 10 minutes really. It's just I was supposed to be joining Chris in Vegas this weekend for my inaugural get-out-and-see-the-world-jaunt, and well, here I sit. Life got crazy (again) and I had to cancel my plans of joining him for my wow weekend. It's no big deal really. Except that the list of places I have traveled to goes something like this:

1) Panama City Beach (when I was 8 and again when I was 27, don't go getting all excited thinkin' I got to go during Senior Spring Break week or anything crazy like that).
2) Nashville. With my parents circa 1998. I slept in the bathtub all weekend because my dad snores so badly that I almost lost my mind.
3) Pigeon Forge. I know, the lure of Dollywood is mighty powerful, but for the love of Pete. I have revisited approximately 7 times, so I guess I shouldn't complain.
4) Oklahoma (Hi Aunt Irene and Uncle Al--see, if you didn't live all the way out west, my list would be a whole bullet point shorter)
5) Myrtle Beach. Rootin' for ya Spartanburg.

Do you see where I'm a-going with this?

Honestly, I was trying to mind my own business and fall asleep counting cows, but I just keep getting caught up in this crazy dream where Stacy London and Clinton Kelly whisk me away to New York where they dress me in some insanely fabulous outfit (I'm thinkin' tall boots and skinny jeans?) and Nick Arrojo (and Tammy the Great, of course) spin me around in the salon chair whipping up some hot new hair doo. I ditch my play-it-safe-Clinique make up bag (circa 1999) and swing by the Mac counter for a total make over. A limo picks me (and Chris and Super Coop) up and takes us to the airport and we board a private jet that transports us to that ice hotel in Sweden (but not before we jet off to Paris and Las Vegas and Rome, oh and Greece).

I'll leave it at that. Don't want to get too wild and crazy tonight. It's a work night afterall, and I've got to get up early to give Coopie a breathing treatment.

So tell me, do you ever just want to sneak away for just one day?? Do something crazy? See something new?


  1. Oh Ali....I have this conversation with myself everyday. Each week I decide that I want to move somewhere new and exotic. Glad I'm not the only one.

  2. Girl, I tell Ryan at least once a week, that I need a fabulous makeover and amazing trip away!!! I think we would be lying if we didn't admit to daydreaming of a tropical getaway weekly or even daily!! :)

  3. :( So sorry you didn't get your trip. I was actually there this weekend. It was great, but I lost a LOT of sleep (and $) and missed those babies like crazy.

    I just had to laugh about you sleeping in the bathtub. I, too, have done this in a hotel. Mike snores so bad!
