Sunday, August 21, 2011

What'll ya have?

This weekend has been all about good food and good friends. Friday night we had the Varsity (junior).

What'll ya have?
So glad you asked. One naked dog. One large FO. One cheeseburger. One chili burger. An order of rings. And two cokes. Um, yum.

Saturday we met Chris' old rugby friend Doong and his sweet girlfriend down at the Cheesecake Factory for lunch. Woulda snapped a picture but Coop was a wild child. He ate a grilled cheese and two orange crayons. We ate a loaf of bread, two bites of a grilled chicken/avacado sandwich, and some dulce de leche cheesecake. Scrumptious.

Tonight we rocked it down at Mary Mac's Tearoom with the Bassett's.

Little G and Coop are the same age and are a hoot when they're together. They ate a red crayon, some applesauce, some fried chicken, and 24 yogurt melts. We ate fried catfish (oh. my. stars), some tomato pie (heaven), fried green tomatoes, okra (fried of couse, but started to get embarrassed about the amount of fried ____ in this list), and some cinnamon rolls. And my all time fave. You guessed it. Table Wine of the South. Slurp.

Chris and Big G used to tear up the town. Now they are two of the sweetest, funnest, bestest daddies in all the world. They still tear up the town. Just with toddlers in tow.

Next up on the Google Search: Detox Diet. Kidding, we all know I have zero, zilch will power.

Random ramblins: I might have gotten hooked on Words with Friends this weekend. I have been battling my boss and I am starting to think she is totally making up her own words. I mean "fatwa"? Come on now. Good thing I came back to (almost) tie the game with "tush" and "tramp".

We also just found out that two of our very besties are moving to our little neck of the woods. How fun is that!? Both great big surprises that have got us turning cartwheels and bakin' "Welcome Home" cookies by the dozen.

And if you haven't yet, you MUST go see "The Help". Run. Skip. Jog. Jump. However you must go, please go. Goodness gracious, it was EXCELLENT. Totally thought provoking. An absolutely beautiful (and horrid) tale of mankind and human nature.

At the end of the day, without fail, we must always remember to remind others: "You are kind. You are smart. You are important." And if not, welp, you might just end up eating pie. :)


  1. Did you read the book as well...I read it in like two days, couldn't put it down. I may have just used "nursing the baby" as an excuse to sit and read and read even though she had long ago fallen asleep while eating. Loved it. I can't wait to go see the movie!!

  2. we've been telling mm compliments in the mirror for the longest time (even before i read the book!) and i'll say, 'you are smart. you are sweet. you are going to be somebody' and she'll repeat it after me...well, lately she's been ending it with, 'and i have pretty eyes too!' haha
    we need to get together one day! i get off everyday at 11:20 and maybe one wednesday we can get the kiddos together. :-)

  3. Definitely read the book if you haven't yet. It's awesome. So much more to the book than they could put into the movie... :)
