On Wednesday we loaded up with Abby and Jeremiah and went for a playdate to Ink.
In small group this semester, we are going through the book of Philippians. Is there any greater book of the Bible? I mean, there's Paul, imprisoned yet pouring out words of joy. Imprisoned. Yet joyful. This week we were supposed to read verses 1-11. Only I thought we were supposed to read chapters 1-11. I made my way about half way through chapter 4 but pooped out before turning the pages and completing the assignment. I couldn't figure out how we were to find time for ELEVEN chapters a day. Come to find out, apparently there are only 4 chapters in Philippians. Ha.
We are memorizing verses each week as we go along. Ironically, the verse that spoke to me was Philippians 1:6 ("And He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion"). I am a chronic giver-uper. I get brilliant ideas and bound joyfully into them. Halfway through I get tired of the brilliance and give up. Terrible, right? I think it's absolutely awesome that we have a great God above who isn't a giver-uper. He sets out to do a good work in us and actually SEES it through. Incredibly, we have Him on our side, cheering us on. Prodding us along. I love. it.
Can I take a second to give a shout out to our small group? Goodness gracious. I just love these folks. Being away for the past few months felt like walking around with milk soaked pajamas. Just terrible. Being back makes my heart so happy! As we sat around the Yates living room, I looked at each and every sweet soul sitting in our circle and thanked God for them. Truly. How great it is to live life together. To celebrate joys and rally with each other in our times of weakness.
This week we discussed the verse that talks about praying over people with joy. I spent the week in joyful prayer over Abby, Mike, Jeremiah, and Precious Parker. They are absolute warriors. Baby Parker needs you to pray for him too. He also needs donuts and not cheeseburgers.
We are super fans of buggies right now.
On the way home I got a sweet tea and decided that I need to spend more time at home. With my little love bug. And my big love bug. Coopie needs me. I need time with him. Pictures need to be painted. Legos need to be built. Chris needs a balanced wife. Our floors need to be swept. Our laundry needs to be put away. Dinner needs to be made. We have memories to be made and before we know it, Coop will be climbing onto the big yellow bus racing off to big boy school. It's SO not like me to admit defeat. I love love love what I do. I also love love love my family. Balancing both, although rewarding, is a constant juggling act. I spent an hour reading workin' mama blogs via Kelly's Korner today. Reading them made me feel a gazillion times better. I am so not alone. We are praying over it right now, but I can feel it. A-change is a-coming. And I just about can't wait.
Such a fun day. Love you so!!