Wednesday, August 22, 2012

We do pantsless.

Have y'all seen that darlin' quote floating around the Pinterest Stratosphere that says something about "We do sorry. We do thank you. We do goodnight kisses. We do second chances..." Blah, blah?

I want one that says "We do pantsless".

And "We do Christmas-wreaths-stashed-on-the-floor-of-the-office-un-put-away-until-August". *Emily, don't lie, I know you've seen them.*

And "We do 10:30 pm bedtimes".

Because that's how it goes around here. 75% of the day Cooper doesn't have pants on. He plays out in the back yard in his Thomas the Train skibbies. He runs shrieking along the catwalk in his crab clad undies.

I'd blame it on potty trainin but that was done months ago. Every time he accompanies me to the potty, which by the way, I want "We do communal 20 question potty time" on my sign too, he asks: "Mommy, you potty trainin'?" or "You done potty trainin' yet mommy?"

I have a gazillion pictures of him that I have been itchin' to post but he isn't wearing pants in any of them. And I thought y'all'd be all "that's so weird" and "why does she let her child run around like a wild banchee pantless" and all.

So if I thought if I had that quote on a sign, then maybe I'd be excused.

Coop is attached (understatement) to his Woody right now.
He takes that dern doll EVERYWHERE. And I won't dare stop him. It's too stinkin' cute.

He pushes Woody in the swing. He lets Woody drive his Cozy Coupe. He fixes Woody supper. And let's him play with his Legos. Today I walked in and found him putting Woody in time out. Um. Is there a manual for parenting out there? Anyone? Anyone?
Woody's pants are attached. Guess he never had to do his potty trainin'.

This morning we were getting ready to go meet our sweet friend Lori for lunch (interpreted: I was trying to put on make up while blocking Coop from getting into my bathroom cabinet with one leg and trapping him in the bathroom with the other) and Woody, welp, fell into the loo.

Coop was heartbroken. He hollared something about "Woody can't swim, Mama" and made me drop my blush brush and come runnin'.

Baywatcher. Right here on a Wednesday morning. Pantless. With Christmas Wreaths still out. And baggy eyes from too late bedtimes.

It's a beautiful mess and I sure wouldn't trade one nanosecond for anything in the world.


  1. We do 10:30 bedtimes. We do skip 2 days between baths (sometimes). We do pop-tarts for dinner. We do shoes on the wrong foot in public because Ryan put on his own shoes and Mommy didn't notice.

    It IS a beautiful mess! Love it & love ya'll!


  2. Priceless!!! Charlie did Birthday Suite way more than what's considered to be the norm I suppose. I actually started to think his goal in life was to join a nudest colony. We do hot dogs for breakfast and waffles for dinner too often, he even wore his batman costume (from last year) into Kroger yesterday. We looked a hot mess! His batman costume was way too short (he's grown since last year of course), his rain boots on, and pushing a grocery cart. Last but not least, he enjoys peeing off the back deck onto my hydrangia and tells me I don't have to water them. So, we are joined together by crazy toddler day's, days we will giggle about at high school graduation and stories we will share with delight during the rehersal ceremonies and family gatherings to come.
    Miss ya!

  3. Love love LOVE!!!! We do pantsless right along with pirate costumes to the stores, playing outside so late that we just have cereal for dinner, plaid and stripes that don't match just because he dressed himself, and I surely have permeant bags from way too many late night in a row! Enjoy EVERY second!!!
