Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Piece of Cake!

Ohhh Wednesdays! How quickly I forgot how wonderful only working 4 days a week truly is!!

I did approximately nothing for approximately 80% of the day today. It was marvelous! I stayed in my PJs until noon (and only got out of them because I wanted to go and create mischief at a local baby boutique--allow me to fill you in on that grand adventure in a bit...) We partook in some Mimi's Cafe madness this morning...mmm Breakfast Ciabatta Sandwich...and then I set off on my quest to create dinner for the Davis Homecoming event tonight.

In honor of saluting to the mighty 9x13 today, I have decided to share my two most favorite comfort food recipes.

Number 1: Poppyseed Chicken Casserole. Holy moly. Here is the rundown:
1) Turn on radio to favorite Mo-Town or 80's music. Either will do, really. Dancing in the kitchen is primo.
2) Put on an apron. I prefer to go apron + bare feet as opposed to apron + heels + pearls. You must be prepared for Mo-Town or 80s dancing after all.
3) Pull out Ritz Crackers (1 sleeve), a stick of butter, 1 can of cream of chicken soup, 1 can of cream of celery soup, 1/2 cup of chicken broth, and 4 chicken breasts.
4) Boil chicken. Chop chicken. Toss in big bowl. 5) Add soups and chicken broth. Mix well. Toss in 9x13 pan.
6) Sprinkle poppyseeds. Crush Ritz crackers and cover top of casserole with golden goodness. Melt stick of butter and drizzle on top. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes and voila: Poppyseed Chicken!

Number 2: Heath Bar Cake (No worries, your hips are sure to thank me!)

1) Run through Publix making a mad hangry dash for: 1 devil's food cake mix, 1 can of sweetened condensed milk, 1 can of caramel, 1 tub of cool whip, and 1 package of crushed Heath Bar candy pieces.
2) Bake cake as directed.
3) Cool.
4) Find wooden spoon and go nuts poking approximately 72 holes in top of cake.
5) Drizzle caramel and sweetened condensed milk. Allow to soak in (this step is critical).
6) Cover with cool whip and candy pieces. Refrigerate. Best served 6-8 hours after being refrigerated. Good luck waiting that long :o)

Hubs and I packed up Silly 2 year old, said comfort food, accompanying strawberry-pecan salad, bottle of wine, gallon of sweet tea, and welcome-home package of diapers and wipes case and took off for Smyrna.

You'd think this wouldn't feel quite like the road trip it turned out to be, but with a two year old confined to (and attempting to hulk out of) a car seat in the midst of Atlanta rush hour traffic, we were convinced we were driving across the country instead of across town. Many conversations were had regarding the need for after-market DVD players in the Envoy after we become parents ourselves. I used to peek into Soccer-Mom-Suburbans and gawk at the need for dual DVD players for short trips around town. I now know that, in order to truly put "safety first" while on the road, there might just be a place in this world for mobile Disney characters afterall.
We made a pit stop at Jason's Deli for supper and then dropped little man off with his mommy who was making her way home from work.

We pulled up at the Davis' at 6:56pm (approximately 2 hours and 56 minutes after packing up the car and toddler) and got to crackin' on getting dinner ready for them. This quickly turned into Ali-hold-baby-while-husband-prepares-dinner. Convenient? I think so!
6 days in the hospital and one newborn baby later, Jenn and Todd looked awesome! Bless them. They are the sweetest parents--I love to watch them in action with their little guy.

In attempting to un-swaddle Baby so that I could look at his little feet, I quickly learned that I have not the first clue in swaddling etiquette. Bambino went from peacefully sleeping in my arms to squeaking and squirming and peeping out from under his little closed eyes as if to say "Listen lady. Now you leave me alone!" After an awkward re-swaddle and bouncy walk around the house, we were golden once again. Todd and Jenn were able to eat and gain some strength for their first night at home with Baby.

Whoa. My hat's off to all of my super fabulous friends and family members who have taken the plunge into parenthood. I can only imagine the awe that must wash over you as you pack up and leave the hospital with your tiny baby. Off to conquer the world, your life forever sweeter; your heart forever bigger; your cup running over. I can harldy wait!

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