Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Over the Hump

16 Marvelous Reasons Why I Love The 16 Week Mark:

16. Although I have discovered the beauty of the all mighty Zofran, I have not had to use it in at least 4 days.
15. I can think about eating, eat an entire meal, finish and be ready to eat again.
14. I am no longer constantly re-adjusting the elastic waistbands on my maternity pants.
13. I have now been asked if I am "expecting" or just "putting on". Seriously?
12. I got stuck in the bathtub after soaking last night. Getting up and out appeared a lot easier in theory than in reality.
11. I have crossed the "it's too early" threshold and am now allowed to purchase fun accouterments for Baby D's nursery and bath. Beware: I have taken this to a whole new level.
10. I suddenly require minor assistance to roll over in the mornings. Husband thinks this is hilarious.
9. To assist with rolling over-we have invited the following item into bed with us:

I feel we will soon be inviting the ever fun body pillow. Skiddleedoo.
8. I have sprouted a belly button hair. Just one.
7. We are mere weeks away from determining the sex of this sweet baby. (Perhaps sooner if we squeeze in a sneak peak at the 3D ultrasound place. Mischief brewing? I think so.)
6. I can still tie my own shoes. No assistance needed in that department.
5. Hormonal weepiness has turned into bouts of uncontrollable laughter. It is fabulously ridiculous. 4. I have started calculating maternity leave and return-to-work plans.
3. I can look at my toothbrush without dry heaving. This, to me, is remarkable.
2. I got to raise my hand when asked "Let me see a show of hands all you mommies out there" at Monterrey's Sunday night during the strange one-man-band man's rendition of "Wheels on the Bus". I beamed.
1. There are only 24 short weeks until we get to hold our precious little one in our arms.

1 comment:

  1. Oh the one man band!!! Bless him, he had a happy heart. I love your little avocado belly!
