Thursday, June 24, 2010


The elevator didn't smell quite so bad today. What a treat.

Chris went for his bone marrow (one word or two?) biopsy this morning at the Cancer Answer. They typically administer 2 ml of sedation medication and said they might have to give Chris 4 ml because of his size.

Insert Observation #167 at the former Holiday Inn. The bathroom is decorated with Tetris patterned wall paper. It was a shame I only had to tinkle or I could have played an entire game while I was in there.

6 ml later and 2 bone marrow attempts, the sedative failed completely and Szabo made the call to refer Chris to the hospital to give it another go, under heavier anesthesia. He said Chris is a "very muscular" (interpreted as "a BEAST!" Ha-ya!) guy and that he was not able to access the bone marrow despite using a rather long and large needle. Now tell me that doesn't make you tense your butt cheeks. Yowsas.

We were able to schedule Attempt #2 next Tuesday morning at 6:30am (holy moly) and will go straight for his first round of "juice" after the biopsy.

So there ya have it. We're pretty much down for the count today at the Davis house. I've been running a mystery fever for the past 2 days (feel so bad I don't even want to go frolick at Target...gasp!) and now that we're home and the sedative has had time to kick in, Chris is passed slap out.

Good thing Mr. Cooper is here to hold down the fort :)

1 comment:

  1. Yikes! We watch the TV show "Royal Pains". Last week the wrestler Big Show was on there and needed a MRI. Since he is so big, they had to put him in the equine MRI machine! Hope the hospital doesn't send you to the vet!

    I can just see Cooper sitting there staring at his passed out Mommy and Daddy, then passing out himself. Hope you all have a better day tomorrow!
