Sunday, June 10, 2012


Parker Baby is a tiny little rockstar! He has made amazing progress this week! Go Parker, go!

Check out the latest, greatest:

Coop is a rockstar too. And by rockstar, I mean that he is rocking the twos. The lay-on-the-floor-kicking-and-screaming-and-pounding-your-fists-two-minutes-before daddy's boss comes over for dinner, twos. The-pee-in-your-pants-while-looking-mommy-straight-in-the-eyes, twos. The two-weeks-in-a-row-have-mommy-and-daddy-come-get-you-out-of-church, twos.

But the OH SO SWEET, twos. The twos where he rubs my hand and tells me that he loves me. The sings-songs-angelically-while-he-falls-asleep, twos. The mommy-this-lummy-cakebatterdip-makes-my-tummy-happy, twos. The picnic-at-the-park-shrieking-and-giggling-best-days-of-our-lives, twos.

Love him two pieces. We really do.

We found out we were expecting again (jazz hands). Then we found out that we aren't expecting again (sigh).

But you know what? God is mighty and for whatever reason, he is using this season in our lives to show us more of Him and more of His provision in our lives.

I love that His Grace is made evident in our human frailty. I love that when there is less of me, there is more of Him. I love that when I fall to my knees, He lifts me up and carries me.

The best thing in all the world is that God's plan for our family is bigger than these moments.

Laying low, keeping calm, and moving on.

"Because you are with me, I will not fear." Psalm 118:6

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