Sunday, March 7, 2010

Squish Squash

Sometimes I wake up smiling at the thought of how much God has blessed us. Today was one of those days. I rolled over and just laid there counting my blessings one by one.

We are counting down the days until Cooper joins our little family. His bed is made. His diaper bag is packed. His little footy pajamas are washed and folded. His diaper baskets are full. His little books are lined up on his little shelf. His car seat is prepped with all sorts of totally unnecessary hanging ornaments like owls and lions and tigers.

Someone once told me that while you can be "prepared" for a little one, you might never be truly "ready". Ready or not, we can't wait for him to be here. Some call it ignorance, we call it bliss.

This weeks news:
Food cravings: stuffed mushrooms (I just ate my weight in these yummy little boogers), reese's pieces, crushed ice (chomp chomp all day long), blue diamond salt and vinegar almonds, mcalister's chicken tortilla soup (extra tortillas), carrot sticks n dip from buffalos, and banana peppers.
Emotional Basketcase Moments: church on Sunday. Our kickin' praise team led us in the song my sweet Mama Potts used to sing as she rocked me to sleep (when I was, by the way, waay too big to be rocked to sleep--legs dragging the floor, knees and elbows up to high heavens...) I sobbed my way through each verse and thought about what she would give to rock Cooper to sleep singing "this is my story, this is my song...".
Hormonal Rage Currently Directed At: toothpaste residue left in the sink. Totally ridiculous. Totally unjustifiable. Worst part, I'm the one who deposits said toothpaste residue. Remedy: Sams Club-sized tub of Clorox wipes. It makes me happy that this is the only bout of rage I can think of.
Currently Grateful For: clothes that fit (hey, it can make or break a girl's day), upcoming baby showers thrown with bookoodles of love and hard work by my most precious girlfriends and family members, and sunshine.

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