Saturday, July 24, 2010

All in a Name

I am obsessed.

I keep trying to come up with a name for the 5K so we can get crackin' on all the nitty gritty, but I am totally lacking in the creative department here lately.
I lay in bed staring at the ceiling thinking. I roll through stop signs day dreaming. I fail to realize I am no longer on hold with the insurance company and get caught talking to myself in my best radio announcer voice. I scribble down rhyming words and slogans on the back of my Chick-fil-a napkins.
All that and here's what I've come up with so far:
-The Juice Is Loose 5K Fun Run/Walk (love it, but so many people will be confused on the "juice" part...)
-Refuse to Lose 5K
-Run with a Lymph (TOTALLY inappropriate. TOTALLY.Please forgive me for even posting it. "Lymphoma" has got to be the worst word to try and rhyme or play off of...)
-D'Feet Lymphoma 5K (lame-o)
-The Kick Kudzu to the Curb 5K
-Bald-r-dash 5K Fun Run/Walk

We want something catchy. Something snazzy. Something nifty. Any ideas? Please, please?? Favorites??

In other news, Friday marked the last day of my stint as a stay-at-home mommy. Sigh.
Such a shame. I was getting so good at laying on the floor playing peek-a-boo. I became a pro at spending hours on end staring at Coop's sweet little face. I am a master goo-goo-ga-ga-er. I can fix a bottle with my eyes closed while standing on my head. I have memorized the location of every single item on every single aisle at Target.

We spent the day lounging in our undies,
cooin' and a-gooin',
boppin' in the boppy and bumbo-ing in the bumbo, lunchbunchin', and well, what else, shoppin'. It was absolutely fabulous. I tried to take a thousand mental pictures to store away for ever and ever.
Ok, drama mama tiara placed safely back on shelf.

Chris is bald. Completely. Confession: I cried tonight. A lot. I don't know why really. If anything his hair loss simply signifies his progress towards the finish line. Can't work on growing your hair back if you never loose it, right?

"We must run with endurance, the race that is set before us." Hebrews 12:1
He looks so handsome. So strong. So courageous. I always knew I'd love him to pieces forever and ever, even if every hair fell off of his head and turns out, I do.


  1. "5K for Cancer"?

    These pictures are ADORABLE! He always looks like he's trying to do that "thumbs-up" thing Chris does!

  2. all those names crack me up. know that whatever you name it, we'll be there to support y'all. :-) (unless it's the first week in october...just sayin')
    hope your days going back to work are okay. i remember those first few weeks all too well. saying prayers.
