Thursday, May 14, 2009

A Pitcher is Worth a Thousand Words

Today I read the most fabulous book with one of my kiddos at work. It's so marvelously called: "Catalina Magdalena Hoopensteiner Wallendiner Hogan Logan Bogan Was Her Name".
Besides being about a girl who picks her nose with her toes, has only two teeth: one goes north, the other one south, and feet bigger than a bathroom mat, her name alone inspired me to make a Top Fourteen List (because 10 was just simply not enough).
Here goes; my Top 14 All-Time-Fav Words to Say.

1. chickadee
2. edamame
3. discombobulate
4. onomatopoeia
5. heebee jeebees
6. dilly dally
7. lollygag
8. smorgasbord
9. tomfoolery
10. hootenanny
11. Worcestershire
12. kittywompus (I personally prefer to pronounce this one: kattywompus)
13. malarkey
14. scuppernong

And because now I can't stop thinking about ridiculous words...
Top 8 Exasperating Expressions:

1. awkward (how many 'w's are truly necessary in one word??)
2. phlegm (besides referring to thick, slimy, snot, why do we need the 'g'? silent 'g's aggravate me.
3. gnat (since I have made mention of the silent 'g' nuisance, why can't we just spell this one n-a-t? tomfoolery.)
4. February (two syllables in a row that contain 'r'. uf.)
5. sherbet (two syllables in a row that should both contain 'r', but don't.)
6. error (again, what is with the 'r's?)
7. fifth (raise your hand if you actually say the 2nd 'f' here. like silent 'g's, silent 'f's also aggravate the dickens out of me)
8. picture (in graduate school I was actually called out on telling a child to look at the "pitchers" in the book. my clinical supervisor wrote out "picture" in phonetics and suggested that I learn to model correct grammar and pronunciation. since then, i stutter on the word "picture" 149 times per day while working with special needs kids)
Being a speech-therapist breeds nerdiness, what can I say?

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